Monday 28 September 2015

Launch: Brazil Film Series @ Media Commons Theatre

This week  will be launched Brazil Film Series, a continuous showcase of Brazilian films at the University of Toronto. This partnership between Consulate General of Brazil in Toronto, the Rio Film Commission (RFC), the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Toronto and the University of Toronto Libraries has the goal to promote the Brazilian culture and to acknowledge the Portuguese language in line with the directives of the Cultural Department of the Ministry of the External Relations of Brazil. The program is addressed to those who, in Toronto, are interested in Brazil, aiming not only at the academic community but also at the community at large. The films will be shown every first Thursday of the month from October 2015 until April 2016.

Date: Thursday, October 1st
Time: 6:30pm
Local: Media Commons Theatre - Robarts Library (3rd Floor)
Free Admission

This first screening is Brazilian Western (Faroeste Caboclo, 2013), a film directed by René Sampaio with Fabrício Boliveira and Isis Valverde. Loosely based on legendary Brasília rock band Legião Urbana’s seminal folk song, René Sampaio’s lyrical, fable-like debut feature follows a young man from the provinces who decides to try his luck in the capital, where he falls in with a rough crowd — and falls for a senator’s daughter. The film was selected by TIFF in 2013, read here Diana Sanchez's short review.

This screening will be introduced by Aline Morales.
Aline Morales
Arguably the most accomplished Brazilian musician in Canada, Aline Morales built her reputation as a percussionist and bandleader. With the 2011 release of her Juno-nominated Flores, Tambores e Amores she also revealed her prowess as a vocalist and composer while demonstrating the breadth of her interpretive brilliance. An ambitious and eclectic record, Flores defies easy classification.  While rooted in classic Brazilian song styles, such as samba, forró, Northeastern folk music and 1960’s Tropicalia, Flores inhabits its own unique musical world, where traces of Italian film scores, African sounds, avant garde poetry and vintage synths ebb and flow throughout. Morales and her quintet demonstrate imaginativeness with an all-original, all-Brazilian set that goes beyond Brazil by flavouring traditional samba and bossa beats with African and European spices, adding enticing dashes of avant-garde poetry. Since her arrival in Toronto, Canada in 2003, she has been a tireless promoter of the traditional maracatu rhythms of Northeastern Brazil, performing with her 30-member percussion troupe, Baque de Bamba, at countless outdoor festivals.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Lecture: Orixás Dance: Afro-Brazilian Religion and Rituals by Newton Moraes

Iansã by Carybé
The Orixás Dance usually occurs in a church-type space, called terreiro. During these ceremonies we dance. In general, it is mostly for the underprivileged. Even before the abolition of slavery, this was a taboo form, but it is becoming much more open. I come from a lineage of Batuque that was called Cambinda. In Cambinda, when you’re dancing, you dance for the living but you also dance for the dead. So the dead we call eguns – a spirit of the dead person for whom we have great respect. Also, we arrange a table with all kinds of amazing food and things that this person loved, as well as a doll that represents the person. Then we start dancing counter-clockwise around the table. The drums are loose and strong and it can brings very powerful feelings. These feelings can generate in some Christians fear, because our rituals are misunderstood. Sometimes, is is considered evil simply because there is drumming.  However, the Candomblé is nothing more than a fusion of Christian and African divinities.

Date: Tuesday, October 6th
Time: 3:00pm
Local: TF 102 (Teefy Hall - 57 Queen's Park Crescent East)
Free Admission

Newton Moraes

Newton Moraes was born in Porto Alegre, Brazil. At an early age he started dancing samba, and then studied physical education at the Unisinos University in Porto Alegre. Later, he studied Afro-Brazilian dance, jazz and street dancing. In 1991, he moved to Toronto where he studied modern and contemporary dance in The School of Toronto Dance Theatre's Professional Training Program. Since his arrival in Canada in 1991, Moraes has choreographed more than fifty works, both for himself and other dancers. Moraes has collaborated with several choreographers, including Patrick Parson in "Orixás Voice" (2003) and "Dancing Spirits" (2004) created for the Ballet Creole. In 1997, he founded Newton Moraes Dance Theatre, which has toured in Brazil, Colombia, the U.S. and Germany. Some of Moraes' mentors include Jean Sasportes, Fred Traugth, David Earle, Patricia Beatty, Danny Grossman, Patrick Parson, Marcelo do Nascimento and José do Nascimento (Brazil). Moraes was a board member of Dance Ontario for more than six years and is a member of the Canadian Alliance of Dance Artists (C.A.D.A.).

Further Readings:
Faith and Freedom [African heritage of Brazil] by Robert W. Shirley
Umbanda by Peter Fry

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Rogério Puga na Universidade de Toronto

Alunos e colegas da comunidade académica acolheram o professor Rogério Puga que nos falou sobre mitos portugueses com enfoque sobre "Os Doze de Inglaterra".
Professor Puga /Victoria College e
o Departamento de Espanhol e Português
Falando de mitos!

Escritoras Júlia Nery e Aida Baptista

Os alunos de PRT423F - PORTUGUÊS PARA AS PROFISSÕES  - um novo curso oferecido pelo nosso Departamento este ano letivo - tiveram o privilégio de escutar Júlia Nery a falar sobre seu romance O CÔNSUL e Aida Baptista sobre uma de suas crónicas AS CAMBALHOTAS DO HÍFEN.
Professora Manuela Marujo, ao lado das escritoras Júlia Nery,
Aida Baptista com alguns dos alunos.

VISITE EXPOSIÇÃO até fim do mês

Exposição na ROBARTS vai continuar até ao fim do mês.
Por favor, visite e faça seus comentários; estamos interessados na vossa opinião.

Monday 21 September 2015

Lecture: Demystifying Portuguese National (Literary) Myths: "The Twelve of England”

Rogério Miguel Puga (FCSH-New University of Lisbon)

Title:  Demystifying Portuguese National (Literary) Myths: "The Twelve of England”

Local: Northrop Frye Hall 004
Date: Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015
Time: 1-2pm

This lecture will analyse the function and need of national myths as a way to create and maintain the idea of a shared past, a national sense of identity and figures of function as examples for the national 'imagined' community, while interpreting one of Portugal's most famous and enduring national literary myths, the episode of the Twelve of England, imortalised by Camões in his The Lusiads.

For more information on Professor Puga, please see:

Wednesday 9 September 2015


11 de setembro - Blackburn Room – ROBARTS LIBRARY 130 St. George Street
12  de setembro - Alumni Hall – VICTORIA COLLEGE
 91 Charles Street West

Ficha de Inscrição - Participantes sem Comunicação

Sexta-feira  - 11 de Setembro 2015
Blackburn Room – ROBARTS LIBRARY - 130 George Street, 4º andar (metro St. George, saída/exit St. George)

9h00 - 9h30 – Registro e Abertura

9h30 – 11h00 – Língua, literatura, artes e média
Moderador: Aline Ferreira

Aida Baptista. Pais ausentes e avós presentes nos caminhos da emigração. (

Andréa de Oliveira. Os guardiões da memória e as narrativas fantásticas presentes em Francisco do Sul, SC, Brasil.(Fundação Cultural Ilha Francisco do Sul / Museu Histórico Prefeito José Schimidt, Brasil;

José Manuel Esteves. Avós e netas na literatura portuguesa – três modos de representação. (Universidade Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, França;

Júlia Nery. Avó e neta emigrantes - passado que afirma, futuro que interroga.a (

11h00 - 11h30 – Pausa para café

11h30- 13h00 - Património cultural
Moderador: Roseli Boschilia

Ana Mateus Silva e Natália Ramos. A importância dos avós no desenvolvimento das competências das crianças na primeira infância. (CEMRI, Universidade Aberta, Portugal; /

Arlete Assumpção Monteiro. A herança portuguesa do saber “fazer rendas de bilros” na Ilha de Santa Catarina/Brasil. (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo e CERU-Centro de Estudos Rurais e Urbanos-Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil; ou

Maria João Dodman. Património cultural açoriano: histórias de nossos avós. (Universidade de York, Canadá;

Yvone Dias Avelino. Avosidade, política e resistência: as avós da “Plaza de Mayo”. (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brasil;

13h00 – 14h00 – Almoço (Blackburn Room)

14h00- 15h00 – Abertura da exposição O BAÚ DE NOSSAS AVÓS: Robarts Library R/C

15h00-16h30 – Famílias e relações intergeracionais
Moderador: José Manuel Esteves

Maria da Conceição Pereira Ramos. Envelhecimento ativo, solidariedade intergeracional, voluntariado e cidadania sénior.(Universidade do Porto, Portugal;

Teresa Medeiros. Os avós como pessoas em desenvolvimento. (Universidade dos Açores, Portugal;

Natália Ramos. Migrações, famílias e maternidades transnacionais: redes de cuidados globais e intergeracionais e conflitos familiares e identitários. (CEMRI, Universidade Aberta, Portugal;

Katherine F. Baker. Recovering memories: grandmothers’ letters of sorrow and shame. (Universidade de Pittsburgh, E.U.A.;

Lená Medeiros de Menezes. CLARINDA: uma avó à frente de seu tempo. Memória e tradições resignificadas. (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil;

19h00 - Jantar (para os conferencistas)
Restaurante Flor de Sal;
501 Davenport Rd, Toronto, (416) 923-2604

Sábado – 12 de Setembro 2015
Alumni Hall – Victoria College, 91 Charles Street West R/C (estação de metro: Museum)

9h00 – 11h00 -  Novos conceitos de família e relações interculturais
Moderador: Maria João Dodman

Flavia Schuler  e Cristina Dias “Deixados para trás”: as repercussões da migração da mãe na vida dos filhos que ficaram. (Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Brasil;

Cristina Maria de Souza Brito Dias e Gilzacarla Alcântara dos Santos Oliveira. Netos adultos: perceção dos vínculos e relacionamento com seus avós.(Universidade Católica do Pernambuco, Brasil;

Emily Schuler e Cristina Maria de Souza Brito Dias. O processo de recasamento dos filhos na perspetiva dos avós. (Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Brasil;

Gislaine Crepaldi Silva, Vânia Cristina Nadaf, Miriam Ross Milani, Luísa do Amparo Carvalho Patatas, Ivone de Oliveira Lima, Henrieth Marques Montanha. Mães apenadas: o papel das avós cuidadoras. (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso, Campus de Cuiabá, Brasil;

Natália Ramos e João Paulo Vieira Rodrigues. Os avós na família contemporânea portuguesa: transmissão intergeracional e interculturalidade nos cuidados aos netos. (CEMRI, Universidade Aberta, Portugal;

Vânia Cristina Nadaf, Miriam Ross Milani,  Luísa do Amparo Carvalho Patatas, Gislaine Crepaldi Silva, Ivone de Oliveira.  As avós materializadas nas vozes de seus netos: um estudo intergeracional.(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso, Campus de Cuiabá, Brasil;;

11h00-11h30 – Pausa para café

11h30- 12h30 Sessão de ”posters” (cartazes)

Alexandra Silva, Ashley Évora, Catarina Cardeal, Catarina Gomes, Emanuel Melo, Escola do First Portuguese, Joana Maia, Joana Milcheva, Luciana Graça, Teresa Medeiros.

12h30 – 13h30 – Almoço, Burwash Hall, 93 Charles Street

14h00 – 15h00 - Alice Vieira, Escritora convidada – Avós de ontem e de hoje 

15h00-16h00 –  Identidade e Memória
Moderador: Teresa Medeiros

Maria Izilda Santos de Matos. Vozes e silêncios nas cartas de e/imigrantes (Brasil-Portugal 1890-1930), (PUC/SP e CNPq, Brasil;

Roseli Boschilia. Discursos sobre a identidade étnica na literatura infantil brasileira. (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil;

Luísa Maria Desmet. Envelhecimento: Percursos de vida de homens e mulheres migrantes, (Santa Casa da Misericórdia, Lisboa e Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa;

15h00 – 16h00 - Alice Vieira, Escritora convidada – Avós de ontem e de hoje
16h30 - Lançamento de livros
A voz dos avós – gerações e migrações – Coord. Rosa Simas – apresentação Ilda Januário
Envelhecer e Conviver  Coord.  Teresa Medeiros, Carlos Ribeiro, Berta Pimentel Miúdo e Adolfo Fialho – apresentação Natália Ramos

Momento de convívio

13 de Setembro -  DIA DOS AVÓS

10h00-11h00 – Visita guiada à Galeria dos Pioneiros Portugueses;
960 St. Clair Ave West (estação de metro St.Clair West, westbounde saída na Oakwood Ave)

11h00 – Partida para Niagara Falls – Passeio para os congressistas inscritos.

Galeria dos Pioneiros
Camões, Instituto de Cooperação e Língua
Presidência do Governo dos Açores
Universidade de York

Manuela Marujo, Associate Chair Portuguese Program
Departamento de Espanhol e Português
91 Charles Street West, suite #208
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1K7
Telefones: (416) 813-4080/83; Fax: (416) 813-4084

Monday 7 September 2015

7 de Setembro: Dia da Indepedência do Brasil

Brazilian flag at the  Legislative Assembly of Ontario

MPP Cristina Martins (former student of UofT's Portuguese Program) and Brazilian General Consul José Vicente Pimentel

Exhibit: Our Grandparents: A Chest of Memories / O Baú des Nossos Avós

Click to enlarge the photo

Thursday 3 September 2015

Brazilian artist brings the rainforest to Toronto

Metaphors of the
Brazilian Rainforest:
The Engravings of
Emilio Boschilia

The “Metaphors of the Brazilian Rainforest” showing will be a rare opportunity to meet a Brazilian artist, to see his work, and to discuss the influences that have helped form his artistic vision. Emilio Boschilia creates an image of Diversity that captures the rich complexity of the rainforest and provides the key elements of the exhibit – Man as an integrated part of Nature. Immerse yourself in the allegorical rainforest of this self-taught Brazilian artist.
Boschilia learned his art by carefully observing nature, then creating a unique style based on its rich diversity and seductive curves. His engravings present a profusion of birds, animals, plants and indigenous peoples, reflecting the struggle for survival that is taking place throughout the world’s rainforests. Each of his pieces has been executed manually with infinite patience, preserving the disappearing art of carving directly on the engraving base before making prints manually from the inked elastomer.
The central image, Diversity, beckons you to enter the forest. Once inside you are confronted with a magical world of forest nymphs, fantastical birds, animals and humans. You will even encounter penguins in the middle of this forest, reflecting the artist’s humour on the one hand, but also an allusion to the dramatic impact of climate change on the world’s forests.
People appear in his art as mystical beings - fully immersed in Nature, yet somehow expressing the same vulnerability as the rainforest. The images the artist depicts through his inner eye may someday no longer be there in any form:
“A frequent theme of my art is the exuberance of nature in Brazil and
 the increasing threat to indigenous lands and culture, as deforestation
and commercial agriculture advance across the Amazon.”
This exhibit will take place at the Peach Gallery, a Toronto-based space with the mission to present the public with a unique and lively mix of local and international artists that are established and emerging. For more information contact Peach Gallery ( or Lloyd Strachan (
Peach Gallery, Suite 300, 722 College Street, Toronto
September 10-15, 2015
Exhibit hours:
11.00am to 6.00pm daily